Rev Real Estate School [Weekly Tip and Finds]

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We're All Too Stressed

With new commission rules in full effect, tumultuous markets, and seller fear, one thing seems universally true: agents are stressed.

A few years ago, research was completed on what causes burnout in a career. Their findings pointed to careers with high expectations and low control as being the most susceptible to burnout.

Consider real estate:

  • Do we have high expectations to sell a home or get a buyer into a home? Yes
  • Do we have control over if a home sells or a buyer's dream home comes to market? No

This puts our career in the perfect position for burnout and stress. This is also why agents are well compensated for the job. They navigate unknowns for consumers, act as a voice of reason when emotions are at play, and bring a strategy to every twist and turn.

We all know that we need distance, relaxation techniques, fitness, and healthy food to keep our stress at bay, but we also need techniques when ruminating thoughts come rushing in.

The biggest issue isn't the acute problem: poor inspection, lower offer, buyer unable to close, etc.

The biggest issue for us is ruminating thoughts: "Did I do the right thing? When will this home sell? Does my client hate me? Will I get a negative review?" etc.

We all have them, but we never seem to talk about them. Here are a few strategies that really work:

  1. Is it in my control? If "yes," do something to fix it ASAP. If "no," let it go. The most stress we feel is when we don't control the outcome. But if it's outside our control, we distance ourselves. You can't think a buyer's dream property to the market or wish a buyer came to purchase your listing.
  2. Forget the outcome. Drop the fixation on it. The best use for this is lead generation. You want a lead (which is an outcome). Instead, focus on the inputs that result in outcomes (posts, events, connecting with people). Paying lead generation companies is trying to get an outcome without input. Ever tried paying companies for leads? It rarely works.
  3. Detach your self-worth from your career. Nowadays, everyone ties their self-worth to their career. If work goes well, they are confident. If it's not, they're in the dumps. Combat this. Your career does not define your self-worth.
  4. Compete with yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others. It serves absolutely no purpose. Yes, it's hard to avoid it, but an easy hack is to compete with yourself. Compete with who you were yesterday. Keep focusing on this, and you'll notice social comparison starts to evaporate.

Making AI Coaching 100% Accessible to Everyone

A Free Version of Revvie 🤖

In an effort to make real estate coaching accessible to every agent at any time, we've released a zero-cost version of Revvie for agents. Revvie is an AI coach trained solely on best practices for real estate agents. 🙌🤖

It's Shorts Time ⏰

Connect, don't refer.

Friday Finds

I recommend these articles, tools, shows, and videos this week!

✅ The overconsumption of content is the #1 issue with self improvement

✅ Grow an audience with these simple steps

Longevity that is simple and fun

Thanks for reading!

Michael Montgomery

The SOI Guy

PS. There are a few other places we can hang out!

YouTube - More in-depth concepts. TikTok - Quick bursts of knowledge

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Michael Montgomery - Rev Real Estate School

We help real estate agents grow by leveraging their sphere of influence. We focus on growing, nurturing and providing a world-class experience to clients, with a focus on our personal networks.

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