
Michael Montgomery - Rev Real Estate School

We help real estate agents grow by leveraging their sphere of influence. We focus on growing, nurturing and providing a world-class experience to clients, with a focus on our personal networks.

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Rev Real Estate School [Weekly Tip and Finds]

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! 8 Ideas From Seth Godin on How To Be Successful Seth Godin's marketing techniques focus on taking the bland and making brilliance. As arguably the most influential marketing thinker of our time, he knows a thing or two about growing a business. Here are his 8 most powerful ideas (adapted for real estate) Narrow your focus: Name a solo top-producing real estate agent without a geo-farm or specialty. They rarely exist. Next,...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! We're All Too Stressed With new commission rules in full effect, tumultuous markets, and seller fear, one thing seems universally true: agents are stressed. A few years ago, research was completed on what causes burnout in a career. Their findings pointed to careers with high expectations and low control as being the most susceptible to burnout. Consider real estate: Do we have high expectations to sell a home or get a...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - August Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) The Through Goal I’ve always set goals for myself, but deep down, I’ve never been a fan. Why? I could never put my finger on it until recently. There are a few problems I have with traditional...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - August Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) The referral script that works Referrals are a touchy subject. We know we need them, but most of us can't bear the thought of outwardly asking. The reason it's uncomfortable is humans have an...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - August Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) Spot a future buyer or seller. How can you spot a future client? Here is the approach. What are the signals that someone will move? These are the 10 Ds of real estate. These events tend to...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - August Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) How To Change Your Trajectory in 30 Days Concepts in real estate aren't challenging. Execution is the hard part. The funny thing - when you talk to an agent, most know what they need to do and...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - August Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) Keep Your Listings Do you know what hasn't been an issue for years? Listing maintenance. This is the act of keeping a seller happy even when their home isn't selling. It also ensures you keep the...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - August Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) Ambition vs Contentment Person one loves listing presentations. Person two dreads them. Same task. Different perspectives. Driving toward a goal is not the opposite of contentment; it is...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - July Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) The 4-Step Antidote to Social Media Inconsistency Don't publish anything for a week: Just create next week - no publishing. Suddenly, you're a week ahead (do this 1x/quarter) Content creation day:...

Hey Reader, Welcome to Rev Real Estate School's weekly tips and finds! Freebie - July Social Media Here is a social media calendar and templates for this month! Social Media Calendar Social Media Templates (With that - come say "hi" over on Instagram - Rev Real Estate School and Personal Instagram) 12 Lessons For Real Estate Agents Who Are Stuck If you're feeling stuck, here are a few lessons to help you move through your fears, hurdles, or stagnation. Be enthusiastic about real estate and...